Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Please Touch

Lill-Skansen (to which BankerWessel created the graphics) was nominated to the 2013 Children's museum award. The winner this year was Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia, USA. Please Touch Museum is for children seven years and younger and the children can touch everything. It does look like a great place to visit!

The name of the winner of the 2013 Award was announced on Wednesday 27 March 2013 during a Ceremony organized in co-operation with the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, and with the support of the Carisbo Bank Foundation – Genus Bononiae. The winner of this year is the "Please Touch" Museum of Philadelphia (USA). Founded by Montessori educator Portia Sperr with the mission of enriching the lives of children by creating learning opportunities through play, the museum is very much a part of the Philadelphia region’s arts and culture community. The theatre is a key component of the museum’s activities and year-round daily performances provide a number of original and highly interactive shows.